Lesson 6

1. to hang up: (a. top lace upon a hook or coat hanger; b. to replace the telephone in its cradle) (S)
a. He hung up his coat in the closet.
b. The operator told me to hang up and dial the same number again.

2. to leave out: (to omit) (S)
a. You have left out your own name on this list.
b. Why did you leave out the second question of your examination?
c. Please leave me out of your plans.

3. to count on: (to depend upon)
a. We are counting on you to help us with today´s assignment.
b. Don´t count on Frank to lend you any money because he has none.

4. to make friends: (to win or gain friends)
a. Patricia is a very shy girl and does not make friends easily.
b. During the cruise William made friends with everyone on the ship.

5. out of order: (not in working condition)
a. The elevator was out of order and we had to walk to the tenth floor.
b. We could not use the telephone because it was out of order.

6. (to) get to: (to arrive at a place, home, work, etc.)
a. I missed the bus and didn´t get to the office until ten o´clock.
b. This train gets to Chicago at eleven o´clock tonight.
c. What time did you get home from the movie last night?

7. at times: (sometimes, occasionally)
a. At times he does much better work than on other occasions.
b. At times she feels a little better but then she becomes very weak again.

8. (to) look over: (examine) (S)
a. I want to look over these exercises before I give them to the teacher.
b. He signed the contract without even looking over.

9. (to) have time off, to take time off: (to have free time, not to have to work)
a. We have time off for a coffee break every morning.
b. He works only five days a week and has every Saturday and Sunday off.
c. I expect to take the whole summer off.

10. (to) keep on: (to continue)
a. John kept on talking although the teacher asked him several times to stop.
b. They kept on playing the radio until three o´clock in the morning.

11. (to) put out: (to extinguish) (S)
a. You can put out your cigarette in that ashtray.
b. The firefighters worked hard but were not able to put out the fire.
c. Be sure to put out the light before you leave. Yes, I´ll put it out.

12. all of a sudden: (suddenly)
a. All of a sudden John appeared at the door.
b. All of a sudden Millie got up and left the house.

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