Lesson 5

Lesson 5

1. (to) shake hands: (to exchange greetings with a clasp of the hands)

a) I introduced them and they shook hands.

b) When two women meet for the first time, they do not usually shake hands.

2. (to) look out: (to be careful or cautious)

a) “Look out!” John cried as his friend almost stepped in front of the approaching car.

b) Why did the driver tell Mary to look out as she was getting off the bus?

c) Look out for the cars turning in your direction.

3. (to) think of: (to have an opinion about) (S)

a) What did you think of that movie which you saw last night?

b) I don´t think much of him as a baseball player.

4. (to) get back: (to return) (S)

a) Mr Harris got back from Chicago last night.

b) When do you expect to get back from your trip?

c) Can you get us back by five o´clock?

5. (to) catch cold: (to become sick with a cold)

a) If you go out in this rain, you will surely catch cold.

b) How did she ever catch cold in such warm water?

6. (to) make up one´s mind: (to decide)

a) William has made up his mind not to go to college this year.

b) Have you made up your mind yet as to where you are going to spend your vacation?

7. (to) change one´s mind: (to alert one´s decision or opinion)

a) We have changed our minds and are going to Canada instead of to California on our vacation.

b) Matthew has changed his mind about proposing to Joan at least three times.

8. for the time being: (for the present, temporarily)

a) For the time being my sister is clerking in a department store.

b) We are living in a hotel for the time being, but later we will try to find a small apartment.

9. (to) get over: (to recover from)

a) It took me more than a month to get over my cold.

b) I do not think he will ever get over the loss of his wife.

10. (to) call off: (to cancel)

a) The game was called off on account of darkness.

b) The doctor had to call off all his appointments for the day and rush to the hospital.

c) At first the workers planned to strike, but later they called off.

11. for good: (permanently, forever)

a) Ruth has gone back to California for good. She will not return to the East.

b) Has your friend returned to South Africa for good?

12. In a hurry: (hurried, in a rush)

a) John is in a hurry to catch his train.

b) She is the kind of person who always seems to be in a hurry.

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